ICA Events


UzFood 2024: Grows by 35%

27/05/2024UzFood 2024: Grows by 35%

Your Gateway to the Uzbekistan Food Industry.


The 23rd International Exhibition on Food, Ingredients, and Food Technologies—UzFood—is a pivotal event in the Uzbekistan food industry, drawing participants from around the globe annually. A significant 92% of visitors wield influence and decision-making power in product procurement. 




UzFood, officially endorsed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, stands as the leading exhibition in Uzbekistan's food sector, running for 23 successful years in Tashkent. The event showcases a wide range of product categories including foodstuff, auxiliary and manufacturing equipment, packaging, storage and handling solutions, process plants, beverages, and more. UzFood fosters efficient networking, knowledge exchange, and access to cutting-edge food industry technologies. 


Highlights of UzFood 2024 


The 23rd edition of UzFood, held from March 26-28, 2024, at UZEXPOCENTRE NEC in Tashkent, attracted 9,442 visitors from 35 countries and 13 regions within Uzbekistan. The exhibition featured 370 companies from 26 countries across the Middle East, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Eurasia, and Asia. Notable national pavilions included those from Austria, the Republic of Belarus, Germany, and Pakistan. This edition of the exhibition experienced a remarkable 35% growth rate. Additionally, the event's retail center facilitated B2B meetings and negotiations between food and beverage manufacturers and retail chain representatives in Uzbekistan.  


Key Features of UzFood 2024 


O'ZuPack:  Is the sole specialized exhibition section dedicated to the packaging industry in Uzbekistan. It serves as a professional demonstration platform showcasing production processes tailored for various sectors including food, processing, construction, chemical, pharmaceutical, textile, and related industries. 


Retail Center: Facilitated more than 500 B2B meetings, driving substantial business development and growth opportunities. This exclusive platform in Uzbekistan enables selected food products to transition directly from the exhibition to store shelves, representing a key advantage of UzFood. 


Looking Forward to UzFood 2025 


UzFood 2025, scheduled for April  8-10, promises to showcase even more innovative food technologies, feature numerous international exhibitors, and host groundbreaking B2B business meetings in its 24th edition. Step into the Eurasian food industry and reap the rewards of your labor with quality leads from exhibiting. 


Uzbekistan's Food Industry Goals 


Uzbekistan aims to increase food production to 7.4 million tons by 2026, with substantial growth targets for milk (32%), meat (25%), and fruits/vegetables (28%) processing. The food market revenue reached US$9.57 billion in 2024, projected to grow annually by 9.00% (CAGR 2024-2028), with the meat segment representing the largest market volume. 


Official Supporters of UzFood 


•    Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan 

•   Ministry of Investments, Industry, and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan 

•   Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan